“Michelle helped me overcome some issues that I've struggled with for years in just a few sessions. The best money I ever spent" - Debra Lynne Katz
About ME

"I would highly recommend Michelle as a very talented sincere compassionate and intuitive hypnotist I have made significant breakthroughs on each session I've had with her I really couldn't recommend her more highly as someone that you will be happy to work with feel good after each session and be wanting more" - Debra Jacobson

Michelle Freed, CH

NGH Board Certified

Michelle’s unique blend of patience, creativity, and intuition, along with the belief that each person already has everything they need to accomplish their potential enables Michelle to excel as a talented Hypnotist and an exceptional Remote Viewer.
Michelle is a graduate of the Alternative Practitioner Academy in Arlington Heights, IL and received certification from the National Guild of Hypnotism. She serves as an example of someone who is doing the work they love and do best: helping people achieve their true desires, create harmony, and a sense of inner peace and well-being. She achieves this through utilizing a blend of her skills as a hypnotist, clairvoyant, and remote viewer.
She completed the beginning, intermediate, and advanced training programs through the International School of Clairvoyance, where she learned to integrate her intuitive gifts with her hypnosis skills.
Michelle is a talented remote viewer and remote viewing instructor. Fully-certified in all forms of Controlled Remote Viewing, She completed the beginning through advanced training programs through Right Hemisphere, Intuitive Specialists, APP, and received additional training from Joe McMoneagle.
Michelle is a prominent member of IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association) and received the Warcollier Prize for 2017. She is a member of APP (Applied Precognition Project) and the National Guild of Hypnotists. She has Research related to Remote Viewing and Parapsychology Published with The Journal of Psychical Research, The Parapsychology Association, and Eight Martinis Magazine. Michelle works on special remote viewing projects with IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences).
Michelle finds nothing more thrilling in life then helping others to get in touch with the core of who they really are, to hear what their innermost hearts are whispering (or sometimes screaming!) and to uncover peoples’ hidden potentials. Michelle is always challenging her students/clients to look inside and see things from different perspectives.
Michelle is featured in the Documentary Third Eye Spies and appears on an episode of Ancient Aliens.
Finally, visitors may recognize Michelle as the producer for the Midnight Society Radio Show! If you aren't a current listener or subscriber, check out the show here where you can connect with her as well.
"Thank you for such a powerful session today. I feel like a magician being able to pull my energy in and put it back out. I am a child with a new toy. My energy feels good. You are the best therapist ever." - Lizzy
"I went to see Michelle for hypnosis because I was having a hard time sleeping and I was suffering from a lot of anxiety as a result. After just one session I sleep like a baby! Michelle is highly skilled, very intuitive, and what really sets her apart is her genuine caring and concern for her clients. She goes above and beyond! I would highly recommend Michelle." - Susan
"Michelle was very easy to talk with, and she was able to communicate subjects that were sensitive and hard for me to openly discuss as well painful, in ways that were easy to process and comforting at the same time. As well she has a real gift at discussing points from a perspective that will be of the most benefit to you. I recommend her to anyone willing to try a hypnosis session, or a reading. She was accurate and kind in the delivery of the information she provided in the reading. When making a choice take this into account, she has your best interests in heart when she is working with you, and you can tell that she means it." - Larry Bovee